Tuesday, August 4, 2009

First Post...It sure is lonely out here...

OK, for the first time in my life, and perhaps simply following the burgeoning teenage trend of having a personal space to express themselves, I have created a blog. (Cue the applause...never mind.) This blog might fade away in a few months, but until then maybe I can amuse myself with it from time to time, and make it my own little private 'kingdom'. And just like any kingdom, I will now draft a constitution (perlembagaan) to go with it.

Constitution Of The Blog, Drafted Just For Fun And To Sound Smart

1. I might write about anything under the sun, so be prepared for ramblings on school life, outer space, books, people and quantum mechanics.

2. I probably rarely will, if ever, write about my personal life or experiences. There is a barrier between my public life and private life, and I intend to keep it. I believe privacy should be protected, for the good of both the writer and the reader.

3. I will not post personal information online, including my phone number, house address or personal e-mail address. Full stop.

4. I would probably do little socialising on the blog. After all, face-to-face personal interaction is the best, eh? Besides, I'm working on my communication skills anyway...

5. You are welcome to comment and even criticise what I write. However, destructive, insulting, or derogatory criticism will be deleted on sight.

Phew! That is quite a list. OK, I apologise for sounding all official and bossy. Hey, we need to have some ground rules in place right?
Alright, I'm looking forward to writing the blog and listening to your comments, as well as making new friends (although I prefer to chat with you face-to-face!). Enjoy the blog!

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